Sunday, October 4, 2009

Twin Time: Rainbow Fish

The twins capers have slowed down a bit (knock on wood), so I haven't had as much to write about. I also haven't been taking the time to develop lovely stories of their adventures. We have been having a daily "Twin Time" activity, some of which have been documented on my regular blog. I thought posting it here might be better use of cyberspace.
This past week Twin Time has been kind of hit and miss. Cleaning, scouts, and doctor visits have monopolized the hours of the day. We did manage to squeeze a few things in. On Wednesday we read "Rainbow Fish" and then made some fish of our own.

Our craft projects really reveal big differences in the twins' personalities. Cadence does three quick strokes with the paint brush and moves on. I had to encourage her to keep painting, just to keep her occupied while Camden finished.
Camden is very meticulous. She painstakingly dabs every inch of the circle with one color or another before moving on to the next. The canvas must be covered completely or it is not done.
I had to beg for a picture of them with their fish. This project took a little longer than some. They were ready to go play.
What cute fish!

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